Off our mooring - Colleen
Well, apparently I'm the only one that's going to blog... come on Boobies!!
Morning musings… Like all of you, I’m a little off my mooring missing my morning swims. I’m trying to get out early, I caught a lovely sunrise one morning and enjoyed a rainless long walk at the Bulb on another day I walked with Martin into pouring rain, we enjoyed our return walk – with the wind on our backs. Even with these touchpoints to nature I still feel in a funk. Mostly because swimming every day makes me physically feel better, fewer headaches, clear sinuses (I forgot what boogers were), and my joints are just so much happier, and my pain level fades to non-existent. Pool swimming just doesn’t give me the joy, I don’t know if it’s the crowds, but I can’t fully stretch out and reach my stride or maybe it’s not having the connection to the natural world. And yes, I miss Buddy.
Our solo pelican is still hanging out on the north side of the Bulb, I don't know enough about pelicans to know why they didn't head south, but I'm guessing it's older.
Martin and I had a buddy that followed along as we were getting drenched.
The beach was pretty clean on the surface, I got one good piece for the trash project.I read recently that UV also breaks down plastic.
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